About Our Green Leaf

About Our Green Leaf

Our Green Leaf provides CBD information and cover many introductory CBD topics.

Our Green Leaf strives to  provide simple explanations of the most current CBD information important to new and experienced CBD users.

We use only primary resource research such as from academic research institutions, government organization websites, peer reviewed studies, and clinical associations.

Our Green Leaf: Important CBD Information to Know

CBD is a cannabinoid that provides benefits. These include skincare, sleep, and pain remedy benefits.

There is much to know about CBD and other cannabinoids. Learn about the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids here at Our Green Leaf.

  • The CBD Guides provide introductory information that new CBD users need to make smart choices. 
  • Become an informed CBD consumer by reading evidence-based CBD information. 
  • Explore our CBD Glossary to learn the CBD lingo and terms you need to know to understand product ingredients labels.
  • Learn how CBD, CBN, CBC, CBG, and other cannabinoids can benefit you or your pet.
  • Know how to know if a CBD product is lab tested.
  • How to find a quality CBD Brand or CBD Vendor.
  • Understand CBD skincare

Before Using CBD

  • CBD is natural but it is also potent.  Do your research to understand what CBD can and cannot accomplish.
  • It is not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Always consult your doctor before taking any new health or wellness product, including natural tinctures, gummies, oils, and botanicals that include CBD.
  • Laws regarding acceptable CBD use vary. Check your local laws about permissible CBD uses.


Our Green Leaf Is A Research Based CBD Information Guide

Our Green Leaf is not medical or legal advice. If you feel unwell see your doctor.